DEFY Sports Apparel partner with the DDL for the 2019 season and become one of their main sponsors

On behalf of the DDL committee, we would like to thank one of our main league sponsors Defy Sports Apparel for kitting our committee members out with new jackets for the 2019 season.
Defy Sports Apparel and the DDL have developed a strong partnership for the 2019 season and beyond. You can expect to hear more on this as the season goes on.
We would like to thank John and his team for his kind contribution and we look forward to working with them throughout the season.
Defy Sports Apparel is a brand borne out of passion. A passion for sport, life and a love of quality design. Developed by Irish athletes and designers their global search for performance fabrics and pursuit of contemporary designs will provide you with the competitive confidence your dedication and hard work deserves.
Check out their website at